I met Gia for the first time in 2014 in Co-Active coaching fundamentals training. Since then I’ve followed her and I’ve seen her expanding her range as a coach. The last several months, I’ve hired Gia as my coach to prepare CPCC certification and I can recommend her to anyone who wishes to develop professionaly and/or personnaly and to reach full potential.
Gia’s coaching is subtil, caring, provocative and pragmatic. She has the ability to be naturally present in the coaching relationship. She deeply listens what’s going on without being attached or judging. The tools she uses combined with her intuition and analytical mind allow you to explore new perspectives, deepen self-awareness and create sustainable positive changes in your life. Gia brings a holistic approach in her coaching which makes the experience particularly rich, enlightening and effective !

Josefa Peralba Ton

Head of Human Ressources at SOGELIFE